

[ 新车特写] Mitsubishi Pajero 回来了

Published on Sunday, December 26, 2010 in

Mitsubishi Pajero是一款七座位豪华休旅车,具有MIVEC技术的3.8公升V6引擎有350PS和329Nm的最大输出功率,其INVECS-II五前速手自 排变速箱可进行+/-手排换档,加上SS4-II(Super Select 4WD II)系统,不论是柏油路和崎岖山路都能轻易应付。由前双摇臂和后多连杆组成四个独立的悬架系统,加上隔音材质和设计,Pajero有最舒适宁静的车厢坐 乘空间。车内呈三排七座位布局,第三排座位不仅可折收,还可完全拆卸好更全面地使用后厢空间;第二排座位能按40:60比例向前折收以运载大件和长形物 件,是兼具舒适、实用、高机动性和强劲性能的全方位汽车。

根据地形、路况,车主可透过SS4-II电子控制驱动选择系统,在时速不超过100km的情况下实时切换四种驱动模式,包括适用于一般柏油路的2H模式; 具有较强牵引力的4H模式可应付较湿滑的道路;4HLc锁定四轮的输出功率,适用于雪地、沙地和烂泥地;而4LLc则是应付最险恶地形的越野模式。

Pajero备有Mitsubishi的AWC全轮控制(All Wheel Control)系统,透过完全控制四个轮子的动力比例,让车子在任何地形都能展现最出色的循迹性能。ASTC(Active Stability & Traction Control)则是透过感测装置来监控车子的情况,包括驾驶盘。当车子或道路情况有所改变,ASTC将调整和分配动力传输比例,以提升车子的循迹性能, 让车子发挥最强性能。

自1982年上市,Mitsubishi Pajero在全世界超过170个国家已累积了二百五十万辆的销售成绩。并在达喀尔越野拉力赛中创下总共十二次冠军(包括七次蝉联)的记录,至今仍无对手可超越。

这次引入我国的第四代Pajero是旗舰型号,设备丰富不在话下。包括全皮革座椅,可使用电动调较的前排座椅,自动恒温空调系统,分布在车顶梁柱和底下的 后排冷气出风口,定速巡航控制、饮料架、电动天窗、免车匙解锁功能、自调较高度氙气头灯、18寸合金轮辋、铝质踏板、自动头灯和雨刷等等。

中控台上的跳字显示屏可显示各种实用的行车资讯,包括燃油消耗和行驶里程计算、海拔高度、指南针、外部温度、时间和日期等等。让人印象深刻的是由一个内置 式六光碟播放机、一个860W高性能分音器和12个扬声器组成的Rockford Acoustic Design高级音响系统。播放器机身附有USB和AUX接口,驾驶盘上也附有控制按钮。包括后排两排座位的三个音场环境将车厢空间营造成一个具有5.1 环绕声效果的空间,足以媲美家庭影院式高级音响系统。

Mitsubishi Pajero新车上路售价为RM289,980.00(连保险),经销商为新的Mitsubishi Pajero提供3年或100,000公里的保用期。


[ 新车特写] Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 2.4

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日前Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia(MMM)正式推介了五门版的Mitsubishi Lancer,这款名为Mitsubishi Lancer 2.4 Sportback是继日本之后,我国是全亚洲唯一推出Lancer Sportback的国家,采用编号4B12 2.4公升直列四缸MIVEC引擎,其上路价格仅RM132,980,与四门Lancer 2.0 的价钱相差也不远。
4B12 2.4公升MIVEC引擎

全 新Lancer Sportback的动力单元非常独特,采用原厂代号4B12编号4B12 2.4公升直列四缸MIVEC引擎,最大输出动力为170马力与225牛顿米扭力,再搭配Lancer车系的通用的六速CVT无段变速箱,其实这样的动力 单元并没有出现过在欧规或日规Lancer Sportback,相信这也是Mitsubishi为了对应我国国产车的策略吧。


Lancer Sportback的车头与Lancer轿车版相同,依然保留着卤素灯泡头灯。车尾以及尾灯总成则是采用较圆润的设计,与Lancer GT/EX比较,可能会少了一些阳刚味,而超大型的尾翼就带出了不少的动感。此外其车身长度与高度比轿车版增加了各15mm与25mm,对于整体的性能表 现并不会有很大的影响。至于轮辋方面,Lancer Sportback与Lancer GT共用10辐设计18"轮辋,轮胎规格也同为215/45。


沿 用EX车型的驾驶盘,左为音响控制按键,右为定速巡航按键,再加上来自GT的换挡拨片,仪表板的资讯表有别于GT/EX的单色屏幕,采用全新的彩色屏幕。 中控台的音响也是全新触屏设计,不过仅普通主机功能,并没有DVD/VCD播放功能与卫星定位系统。再往下看,自动恒温系统与排挡座依然保留着 Lancer车系的设计。值得一提的是全新Lancer Sportback添加了自动头灯开启以及雨刷功能,与一般欧系车型相同,其感应器就装置在前挡风镜的中上方。其座椅采用Nappa皮革搭配,让内装的质 感提升不少,后座椅背附有60:40倾斜开启功能,加上大型的尾箱开口,方便搬运比较大型的物件。

另外Lancer Sportback的除了ABS,EBD以及BA,如今附TCS循迹系统的ASC汽车稳定系统也被列为标准安全配备,不过被动安全系统并没有升级,依然是GT/EX的双前座安全气囊而已。


[新车特写] Mitsubishi ASX

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Mitsubishi ASX在日本称为RVR,本地则采用ASX(Active Smart X-over的缩写)这个名称上市。从日本整装进口,Mitsubishi ASX总共有5种颜色选择,包括其独有的Kawasemi蓝色(Kawasemi是日本一种称为捕鱼王的鸟类。),新车上路售价 RM136,208.10(路险未计)。该公司预计每月可售出100辆Mitsubishi ASX。

大马Mitsubishi执行长小田哲也指出,新ASX是一款出众的城市车款,具有出色的外形和杰出的操控表现,并拥有紧凑的外观和宽敞的空间,集合了房 车和SUV的优点。ASX在全球各地创下良好的销售成绩,他确信大马公众同样也会喜欢这款新车:“ASX将让我们在大马迅速增长的二轮驱动小型SUV市场 中,成功吸引更多人成为Mitsubishi车主。”

Mitsubishi ASX的动力单位2.0公升排气量、DOHC、16活瓣和的铝制引擎,具有三菱著名MIVEC活瓣正时控制系统技术,最大输出功率150PS和197Nm。这款车风阻系数为0.33Cd,加上轻量化设计,都有助于降低耗油量。车身和车顶设计流线,部分零件采用树脂制造,电动辅助驾驶盘和CVT无段变速变速箱有助于降低引擎负担。

Mitsubishi ASX的标准配备包括ASC主动稳定控制系统、斜坡启动辅助、双安全气囊加上膝部安全气囊。车内设备包括皮革座椅、双槽式LCD触感操作彩色屏幕视听娱乐系统、倒车监视器、自动空调和定速巡航系统。驾驶盘上的彩色行车资讯显示屏是十分实用的设备。

大马Mitsubishi 提供13种来自日本的选配零件,让车主可以把自己的Mitsubishi ASX变得更具特性,这些配件包括空力套件、特制排挡杆、门槛装饰、行李箱衬底等等,全套售价RM6,490,顾客亦可分别购买。

Mitsubishi ASX享有3年或100,000公里保用期,以及Mitsubishi提供的2年免费保养配套,让新车主在购买零件和修车时享有各种免费优惠和折扣


Test Drive Campaign

Published on Sunday, December 19, 2010 in

Come and visit EVATREND SDN BHD Mitsubishi Showroom (Setapak) where we are organizing a “Test Drive Campaign”. Customers are welcomed to test drive our models to their heart’s content. From our newly launched ASX, to our pride and glory TRITONS, be it a 4 x 4 or a 4 x 2, all of our models are geared up for you to be behind the wheels.

Try them yourself to understand how elegant yet powerful these models are.  This campaign will be held for two weekends, which are on the 11th-12th Dec 2010, 18th-19th Dec 2010, 25th - 26th Dec 2010  from 9am – 6 pm. Not forgetting that Free Mitsubishi Merchandises will be given away, and light refreshments will be served.

Come and bring your family for a ride they will never forget. Any inquiries please call Adeline at 017-380 2606 or visit to our Mitsubishi Showroom.



Published on Friday, December 17, 2010 in

Mitsubishi Motors is dedicated to engaging your passion for driving with every car it produces.  Our Philosophy revolves around these key principles:

CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY - Develop cutting-edge technology that focuses on better vehicle control and handling, performance and lifestyle – transposed from performance cars to our everyday street cars.

COMMANDING DESIGN – Desigining vehicles that exude street presence such as in the new Mitsubishsi visual identity of the jet fighter grille.

GENUINE PERFORMANCE – Genuine performance that stems from out illustrious motorsport heritage

UNCOMPROMISING SAFETY STANDARDS – Raising the bar in safety to instill confidence and peace of mind for you and your occupants.

MORE OUT OF LIFE – Aiming to let you enjoy more out of life every time you get behind the wheel of your Mitsubishi.


Mitsubishi Motors at KLIMS 2010

Published on Sunday, December 5, 2010 in

Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show 2010 is here in Malaysia’s Putra World Trade Center from 3rd Dec til 12 Dec 2010. 

Here are some of what you can expect from the Motor Show:

Mitsubishi's pavilion at the Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show 2010 (KLIMS '10) will be advancing the cause of sustainability with the display of two electric concept cars alongside dressed up units of its existing models. Themed Drive@Earth, Mitsubishi's main attractions are the Concept PX-MiEV and i-MiEV SPORT AIR Concept displayed alongside the ASX, Lancer Sportback, Pajero, and Pajero Sport. 

Mitsubishi PX MiEV Concept

Mitsubishi MiEV Sport Air

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport

Mitsubishi ASX

Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback
“Mitsubishi Motors' Drive@Earth corporate tagline drives the company to achieve an ideal balance between environmental and dynamic performance, building cars that not only care for the world we life in, but the occupants within. The goal is towards a sustainable future, but not at the expense of driving pleasure.

The Mitsubishi Concept PX-MiEV is a plug-in hybrid crossover which features a 1.6-litre MIVEC petrol engine partnering two electric motors at the front and rear axles of the vehicle. The plug-in hybrid system features three drive modes - all-electric EV, on-the-move generating EV, and Motor + Engine.

A unique feature of Mitsubishi's plug-in hybrid set up is its ability to switch from being a series hybrid (where the petrol engine serves merely as a generator), to being a parallel hybrid, where the engine directly supplies driving power to the wheels. On deceleration, the system goes into regenerative mode - the motors taking the role of generators to charge the battery.

Governing the PX-MiEV's drivetrain operation is Mitsubish's MiEV Operating System which continuously monitors available battery charge and also driving patterns. On the move, the system switches between what it believes would be the most optimum drive modes to suit prevailing driving conditions. The PX-MiEV's battery can be charged from a 100V/200V domestic power supply, a quick charging station, or even a Wireless Charging Programme.

The Concept PX-MiEV also features comprehensive levels of electronic driving aids, led by Mitsubishi's Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC), which individually controls torque and braking for each wheel. Inside the S-AWC package is Electric-powered Active Yaw Control (E-AYC) inspired by tech from the Lancer Evo, Active Stability Control (ASC), ABS, and E-4WD. 

The other vehicle on display is the i-MiEV SPORT AIR concept, essentially a sportier version of the i-MiEV on which it is based. It features a more powerful version of the i-MiEV's permanent magnet synchro motor, making 60kW (80hp) of power and 230Nm of torque. The motor draws power from a large-capacity lithium-ion battery mounted under the car's floor. In fact, the main EV components of the car are mounted as low as possible for the purpose of lowering the car's centre of gravity for added stability.