About US
Mitsubishi-Onlineshowroom is one of the leading multi-brand car dealer, providing new automobiles and related products and services to its customers. We has become the natural choice for many consumers who demand excellent customer service and honesty. Our valuable service connects the customer with a knowledgeable sales representative, who can provide expert advice and guide the buyer through the car buying process. Our agents give automobile shoppers all the information needed to make a smart buying or leasing decision, including vehicle reviews, ratings, safety features and specifications. We offers competitive new automobile pricing to consumers for nearly every make, model and style of automobiles available in Malaysia.
Company Vision & Mission
At Mitsubishi-Onlineshowroom, we strive to promote our brand image by providing our customers with the excellent service, and the most pleasant and straightforward shopping experience within the auto industry.
Mitsubishi-Onlineshowroom is the number 1 choice for objectivity, selection and upfront pricing. Mitsubishi- OnlineShowroom eliminates the time consuming hassles that you incur leasing at automobile dealerships. By offering suitable Fleet Pricing and checking rates at all major auto leasing sources our customers are guaranteed lower prices. There are also rebates and incentives offered by the automobile manufacturers and at mitsubishi-Onlineshowroom sales we ensure that our clients receive all the privileges. One Stop shopping, once again, we lease every make and model - Nissan, Toyota, Ford, Mazda, Honda, Mitsubishi, and many others. Additionally, if you have a trade-in, we will purchase your current vehicle and pay off the balance if necessary when you lease through mitsubishi-onlineshowroom sales. Remember, it is timely service, convenient, no-hassle leasing or buying experience for all new makes and models.
Showroom Location
Please directly contact us:
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I will provide the nearest location for appointment
Sales Enquiries & appointment: 016-553 6281 KIERSTEN ALEXANDRA |